Interaction Challenges KSS Fixes

    1. Identity Via Matrix
    2. We currently are forced to use a matrix of our personal identifiable data to prove who we are in our daily transactions. Calling a service will most likely reqire that you give them your name, your birthdate and some other piece of information to let them feel safe that they are indeed talking to you. All of this information is publically available and can easily be faked over the phone. Of course, this means all of the information has to be saved within the services database and made available to be openly seen by personnel or any curious passerby.

      Using KSS we can prove who we are without exposing any of our personal information.

    3. Theft & Fraud
    4. Information Changes
    5. Backup Difficulties
    6. Trustless
    7. Publicly Exposed
    8. Usernames & Passwords
    9. Costly
    10. Require 2nd Auth
    11. Data Stored Everywhere
    12. No Common Storage
    13. Multiple Formats
    14. State Based
    15. Coorelation
    16. Regional
    17. Expirations
    18. Service Lock-In
    19. Solutions are Monetized
    20. Revokable
    21. Counterfeit-able
    22. Hacking Incentivized
    23. Loss of Documents
    24. One-of-a-Kind
    25. Replacement Issues
    1. DNS System
    2. Address Changes
    3. New Page Discovery
    4. Advertising
    5. Learning Curve
    6. Dot Com Resources
    7. Passwords & Keys Control
    8. Anonymity
    9. New System Overload
    10. Typocasting
    11. Public Exposure
    12. Catfishing
    13. Misleading Webpages
    14. Cross System Tracking
    15. Devices/Browsers
    16. Trolling
    17. Search Engines
    18. Phishing
    19. Fraudulent Web Pages
    20. Device Backups
    1. Trust
    2. Ownership
    3. Credit Cards
    4. Identity
    5. Fraud
    6. Payment Methods
    7. Fraud
    8. Language
    9. Time
    10. Paper Trails
    11. Man-in-the-Middle
    12. Rights & Ownership
    13. Escrow Issues
    14. Establishing Rights
    15. Returns & Refunds
    16. Personnel Changes
    17. Receipt Storage
    1. Bootstrapping
    2. Robots
    3. Wealth Inequality
    4. Poverty
    5. Unemployment
    6. Failing Currencies
    7. Banking Fails
    8. The Unhoused
    9. Intellectual Property
    10. Trustless Aid
    11. Regional vs. Global
    12. Selling Security
    13. Location Issues
    14. Physical Limitations
    15. Lack of Resources
    16. Monthly Expenses
    17. Resource Depletion
    18. Lack of Mobility
    19. War
    20. Refugees
    21. Debt Based
    22. Fragile Internet Economies
    23. The truth is that a lot of people's livelyhoods depend on the auspices of a single Internet source. Youtube, Amazon and Social Services are the obvious ones. People's only link to their customers and their income can be turned off on a whim.
    1. Change of Control
    2. Trust Across Systems
    3. Data Storage
    4. Employment Difficulties
    5. Transfer Delay
    6. Posting of Changes
    7. Naming Conventions
    8. Language Barriers
    1. Changeable
    2. System Specific
    3. Trustless
    4. Publicly Exposed
    5. Regional
    6. Loss/Replacement
    7. Authorization
    8. Home-less
    9. Counterfeiting
    10. Stored Everywhere
    11. Validation Issues
    12. Expirations
    13. Requires Verification
    14. Costs
    15. Revokable
    16. Multiple Formats
    17. Device Specific
    18. One-of-a-Kind
    19. Subject to Misappropriation
    20. State Based
    21. Multiple Formats
    22. X-Correlation
    23. Language
    24. Credentialized
    1. Addresses Change
    2. If there is anything that everyone knows, it is that addresses always change and when they change we lose our connections. This means that we are all managers of our contact lists and we do all the editing and deleting and backing up often times with disastrous results.
    3. Addresses Lie
    4. All addresses are constructed by people and whether in an effort to defraud or an honest mistake we simply cannot trust addresses to be telling us the truth.
    5. Language Barriers
    6. Addresses come in all formats and structures and languages. Saving these myriad number of structures in databases offers an entirely new issue.
    7. Addresses Can Be Cancelled
    8. Addresses are issued by services that expect to be paid for the rights to that address. Paying rent is required to be able to use your home address as a mail drop as the US Post Service owns your mailbox. Each service has the inferent right to cancel your address at any time for any reason they deem sufficient.
    9. Spam
    10. As all addresses are public knowledge, spam is inevitable.
    11. Multiple Address Formats
    12. Databases have to support a wide range of address formats which leads to database bloat as well as editting mistakes at all levels.
    13. Regional vs. Global
    14. Obviously, all addresses are regional as opposed to global in nature. Again leading to errors and management issues.
    15. Sales Calls
    16. Unwanted sales calls come from the fact that all of our addresses are considered public in nature and anybody can use them to try and contact us.
    17. Stalking
    18. As all of our addresses are considered public knowledge, databases are free to save them with out concern. Unfortunately, this leads to the option of comparing data and possibly acquiring other data that is not considered public. See Identity Matrix.
    19. Address Depletion
    20. A little thought of problem is address depletion, yet we have to add area codes, phone numbers and domain names and not to mention that IP address just went through the problem enough to convert to an entirely new system. The net is rife with info about how we are running out of "good" domain names.
    21. Cost of Ownership
    22. All of our current addresses require some sort of payment process, from buying a house to paying for a phone. Not making a payment forces the loss of the address. Even free emails require that we have regular access to the Internet.
    23. Device Specific
    24. All of our addresses are device specific. Phone numbers for phones, home address for our mail, etc. Emails, though on the net, often get tied to specific apps on specific devices.
    25. Not Permanent
    26. None of our addresses are permanent. Yes, they are long lasting, but they are not permanent, as they can be shut down either willingly or unwillingly.
    27. Contact List Backup
    28. Everybody has visited the problems inherent in backing-up and restoring your contact lists.
    29. Loss of Contacts
    30. Over time, we lose touch during those critical life changing moments and addresses go un-editted and we lose contacts we would rather have not lost.
    31. Cross System Abuses
    32. As all businesses are forced to save a snapshot of some of your personal data as a means to identify you, your data is always at risk for abuse. It isn't a matter if you will be abused, it is a matter of when.
    33. Loss of Devices
    34. Losing your device has become a personal disaster. New more secure systems are suggesting that you stuff all your critical data onto your singularly exposed private device in the hopes that you never lose it, understand how to backup everything and choose the right apps, in effect forcing all of us to become computer IT people.
    35. Multiple Devices
    36. Having multiple devices increase the number of ways we can go wrong. Since addresses are device specific, we are forced to carry the management burden.
    37. Multiple Services
    38. We used to have a mailing address and a phone number, now we have multiples of those and even more if we choose to use any of the new Internet services, of which their are hundreds if not thousands.
    1. Fraudulent Addresses
    2. Proof-of-Personhood
    3. Catfishing
    4. Passwords
    5. Service Proliferation
    6. Credentials
    7. Foreign vs. Regional
    8. Documents
    9. Counterfeited Documents
    10. Pretenders
    11. Proof-of-Self Assertions
    12. Passports
    1. Currencies
    2. No Proof of Ownership
    3. Burnable
    4. Cash Hoarding
    5. Counterfeiting
    6. Crypto Currencies
    7. Storage
    8. Damageable
    9. Theft
    10. Production Costs
    11. Regional
    12. Bank Requirements
    13. Stability
    14. Digital Conversion Cost
    15. Inflation
    16. Depression
    17. Fiat Based
    18. Transportation
    19. Crypto Key Loss
    20. Secondary Commodity
    21. Cash Based in Digital World
    22. Digital Hacking
    1. Proof-of-Personhood
    2. Catfishing
    3. Devices
    4. Passwords
    5. Service Proliferation
    6. Credentials
    7. Foreign vs. Regional
    8. Documents
    9. Blockchains
    10. Blockchains are used to avoid paying for a server to contain the data and makes all data on the blockchain reachable by everyone. Time has already shown that blockchains can be hacked. Using blockchains forces the use of layers of public and private keys which are another security risk and management issue.
    11. Counterfeiting
    12. Regional Protection
    13. Fraud
    14. Centralized Database
    15. X-Regions
    16. Hackable
    17. Passports
    18. Service Confusion
    1. Proof-of-Personhood
    2. Catfishing
    3. Scrapping of Data
    4. Passwords
    5. Service Proliferation
    6. Credentials
    7. Foreign vs. Regional
    8. Documents
    9. Social Overexposure
    10. Proof-of-Assertions
    11. Lack of Choices
    12. Fraud
    13. Public Centric
    14. X-Regions Issues
    15. Cost
    1. Lack of Control
    2. SSI
    3. Regional vs. Global
    4. Wallets
    5. Government Control
    6. Public Exposure
    7. Language Barriers
    8. CommWays
    9. Society Laws
    10. Devices
    11. Bad Actors
    12. Homeless
    13. Rampant Actor Change
    14. Refugees
    15. Lack of Trust
    16. Public Services
    1. PID Protection
    2. Businesses are required to protect their customers personal identifiable data and at the same time they are force to use the PID to interact with their customers.

    3. Employee Uptake
    4. Hidden Customer Lookups
    5. Regional vs. Global
    6. Embezzlement
    7. Cost of Systems
    8. Government Control
    9. Primary Owner Identity
    10. Database Sizes
    11. Language Barriers
    12. Multiple CommWays
    13. Society Laws
    14. Contact List Management
    15. Bad Actors
    16. Staying in Front of Cust.
    17. Rampant Actor Change
    18. Advertising Limitations
    19. Lack of Trust
    20. Controlling CommWays
    1. Lack of Infrastructure
    2. Monetization of Agents
    3. Monetization Needs
    4. Services Attrition
    5. Limited Field
    6. Regional vs. Global
    7. Technologically Intense
    8. Requires Working Identity
    9. Plethora of Initiators
    10. Doesn’t Negate Data Silos
    11. Public Exposure
    12. Extensive Infrastructures
    13. Blockchain Issues
    14. Auxiliary Processes Expense
    1. Managing Credentials
    2. Schemas & Overlays
    3. Vault Support
    4. Authenticating
    5. Revocations & Expiries
    6. Multiple Device Support
    7. Organizing
    8. Signing
    9. Synchronization
    10. Rendering
    11. Offline Operations
    12. Guardianship & Delegation
    13. Personas
    14. Keys & Secrets
    15. Messaging
    16. Emergency Access
    17. Secure Hardware Integration
    18. Regional vs. Global
    19. Trust Hubs/Registries
    20. Notifications
    21. Service Lockin & Loss
    22. Compliance & Monitoring
    23. Backup & Recovery
    24. Financial Cost
    1. Phishing
    2. Domain Name Issues
    3. CommWay Confusion
    4. Address Changes
    5. No Global Authority
    6. Non-Business Based PubDevs
    7. Language
    8. Brick & Mortar vs. Internet
    9. Address Locating
    10. Personnel Changes
    11. Who is in Charge
    12. Search Engine Difficulties
    13. Governments Uncooperative
    14. Algorithm Swamp
    15. No Centralized Laws
    16. Filter Bubble
    1. Lack of Consistency
    2. Address Changes
    3. Fluctuating Services
    4. New Services
    5. No Global Control
    6. Language
    7. Proliferation
    8. Devices
    9. Porting
    10. Change Dispersions
    1. They are Publicly Exposed
    2. Multiples
    3. Financial Value
    4. Used For Authorization
    5. Cost
    6. Software vs. Hardware
    7. Theft
    8. Loss
    9. Backup
    10. Damage
    11. Store Passwords
    12. Capability Limitations
    13. State Based
    14. Service Lock-In
    15. Language
    1. Battery Failure
    2. Multiple Devices
    3. Password Loss
    4. One Point of Failure
    5. Cost
    6. Phone Number is Public
    7. Vendor Changes
    8. Inevitable Loss
    9. Loss
    10. Requires Backup
    11. Damage
    12. Multiple Vendors
    13. Capability Limitations
    14. Regionally Based
    15. Service Lock-In
    16. Language
    1. Regional Control
    2. App Confusion
    3. Password Loss
    4. Vendor Lockin
    5. Cost
    6. Tracking
    7. Impermanent
    8. Subscriptions
    9. One Point of Failure
    10. Multiple Vendors
    11. Advertising
    12. Regionally Based
    13. Hacking
    14. Language